Re: Замена загрузочного логотипа

May I asked what this byte is for? Is this a fixed value which need to be there? Or has it something to do with the heigh of the image? Because now the the logic from Dec -> Hex is gone for me...

0x2С пикселей -> '\x2С\x21'

makes no sense for me. sad



Re: Замена загрузочного логотипа

Second half (i mean '\x21') is required. First half (in this case it is '\x2C') is for height.


Re: Замена загрузочного логотипа

Обновил скрипт, инфа в шапке.

A mammal should be able to hunt mice, hibernate, fly, chew its cud, echolocate, invent tools, lay eggs, burrow. Speciation is for insects.


Re: Замена загрузочного логотипа

hxka пишет:
J4ZZ пишет:

scrumbled image

I had this issue with old logo_compress.elf. Make sure you have newest one.

Is this http://meegos.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=106685#p106685 the newest one?



Re: Замена загрузочного логотипа

J4ZZ, yes, elf with version 1.1 is the latest. But maybe more simple use the hxka's script, script contains latest elf now.

96 (04.05.2012 22:33:56 отредактировано J4ZZ)

Re: Замена загрузочного логотипа

Just saw it at talk.maemo.org wink *Thumbs up!*

Added: 04.05.2012 20:33:17

I just tried the new script with my Anonymous logo together with usb.bmp... But ./logo_compress.elf is complaining that logo.bin is too big.
./logo.run converts logo.bmp -> 6690 bytes (then gives error and flashes only usb.bin)
./logo_compress.elf converts ->  6634 bytes

But it's the same image from which you made my_secondary.bin...



Re: Замена загрузочного логотипа

Dont use the first version of elf, forget it. In first version i hardcoded the size of 'rawbmp.bin', that's why it cant work with images with size more than 59904 bytes.
Use ONLY elf version 1.1.



Re: Замена загрузочного логотипа

I have version 1.1.

Like I said ./logo.run converts Anonymous.bmp to 6690 bytes and gives error. So I cannot use it.
But ./logo_compress.elf 1.1 converts same image to 6634 bytes wich then can be used  (but only in manual way from FAQ)

So problem is with ./logo.run script somewhere.

Can hxka have a look into script or explain why this is happening? smile

Thanks in advance,



Re: Замена загрузочного логотипа

Well, it's my turn to make mistakes (:
It's fixed, redownload logo.run.

A mammal should be able to hunt mice, hibernate, fly, chew its cud, echolocate, invent tools, lay eggs, burrow. Speciation is for insects.

100 (05.05.2012 16:59:52 отредактировано J4ZZ)

Re: Замена загрузочного логотипа

Guys you are just awesome.... Thanks so much big_smile


Added logo.bmp, usb.bmp + logo.run to Attachment.

Copy to /home/user/

chmod +x logo.run

and then

./logo.run -l logo.bmp -u usb.bmp -c 0000 -b 00


Post's attachments

Anonymous.zip 91.2 kb, 1 загрузок с 2012-05-05 

У Вас недостаточно прав для загрузки файлов, прикрепленных к этому сообщению.


101 (06.05.2012 17:04:42 отредактировано J4ZZ)

Re: Замена загрузочного логотипа

Hi, everbody. It's J4ZZ again. I just want to ask if I can somehow execute ./logo_compress.efl under ubuntu?

elvis@ubuntu:~$ file logo_compress.elf
logo_compress.elf: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, stripped

Can one genuis eventually make  a version for desktop? (intel, amd)





Re: Замена загрузочного логотипа

J4ZZ, try use qemu-arm-static.
In Ubuntu it's in a qemu-user-static package, AFAIK.
RaANdOoM is now making C versoin of compressor which can be compiled for different architectures.

A mammal should be able to hunt mice, hibernate, fly, chew its cud, echolocate, invent tools, lay eggs, burrow. Speciation is for insects.


103 (06.05.2012 22:14:32 отредактировано J4ZZ)

Re: Замена загрузочного логотипа

Thanks hxka, you are just a great help mate.

I was just playing with logo.run and after three successful .bmps now I have two that are not working right. Both images are somehow stretched to the left or distorted, after flashed with logo.run... I then tried to made secondary.bin and that worked just fine, so there maybe must be still a small bug in your script.

Could you please have a look? wink


I attached killed.bmp in a zip file.



Added: 06.05.2012 20:10:28

Here is another one that is streched after flash... and I have a third one too.

All are nearly 6646 bytes when converted to logo.bin so maybe thats the issue (maybe it's again header size, I don't know... I used photoshop and then pixelformer to make bmps)
- 6.645 bytes
- 6.592 bytes
- and 6.479 bytes.


Hopefully you find the error.



Post's attachments

killedlogo.zip 3.32 kb, 4 загрузок с 2012-05-06 

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Re: Замена загрузочного логотипа

Fixed backtrack.zip

Post's attachments

Backtrack.zip 26.65 kb, 5 загрузок с 2012-05-06 

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105 (09.05.2012 15:14:54 отредактировано RaANdOoM)

Re: Замена загрузочного логотипа

There is a x86 and x64 versions of logo_compress.elf (v.1.1). My test logos compressed with them are correct. Try it.

Post's attachments

logo_compress.elf.x86.x64.zip 6.69 kb, 5 загрузок с 2012-05-09 

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